Thursday, April 28, 2011

Klamath Falls, Oregon...visit with Pete & Debbie April 20 - 27th

April 28th we're back at River Edge RV Park in Harrisburg after spending a week with Pete and Debbie.  These are just notes for myself to help write this section when I get over blogger's block.  Also, waiting on snowmobiling pictures to include later.

Friday (4/27?) Pete took the day off and we spent the day snowmobiling with him and Debbie and Pete's friend Dan who brought an extra snowmobile so we all could ride single.  Beautiful weather with 50's temps and bright sun.  Betty and I both got sunburns on our faces even though we were wearing helmets.

Here's a couple of pics of us:

We kinda missed the snow while in S. Arizona

                                            Son Pete, Debbie, and Hunter from another trip

 Left Klamath Falls on April 27 to head back to Harrisburg and look in on mom & dad.

April 20th we drove from Harrisburg to K Falls.  Good weather, sunshine, great scenery going over the Willamette pass.  We stopped for lunch at DQ in Oakridge.  Roads bare and dry but lots of snow under the old growth firs toward the summit.   Stopped at the casino South of Chiliquin but didn't do any good there so we continued to Pete's house arriving about 4:30pm just as Pete was getting home.